A learning mat designed to boost Spanish students’ accuracy when writing and speaking. It has been designed with KS3 learners in mind, although it can be used with any other Key stage or level. It includes vocabulary and grammar around the following sections:
Opinions phrases
Opinions in the past
Key verbs (past, present and future)
Adjectives (including some useful antonyms)
Key verbs followed by infinitives
With two different backgrounds to choose from to suit both colour, and black and white printing.
Un organizador de conocimiento para que los estudiantes de español produzcan textos escritos y orales más complejos. Está pensado para los alumnos más jóvenes y principiantes, pero también se puede usar con alumnos de niveles más avanzados. Incluye vocabulario y gramática en torno a estas secciones:
Frases de opinión
Opiniones en el pasado
Verbos clave (pasado, presente y futuro)
Adjectivos (incluye antónimos útiles)
Construcciones verbales seguidas de infinitivos
Con dos fondos diferentes para la impresión tanto a color como en blanco y negro.
Scaffolded sentence building blocks designed to provide students with the necessary grammar and range of vocabulary to give detailed and complex answers in their speaking and writing GCSE Spanish exams. The questions match those of our Speaking Booklet (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-spanish-speaking-booklet-edexcel-and-aqa-roleplay-photo-card-general-conversation-practise-12069685) and are organised by modules 1-8, following the structure of the Viva! Edexcel Spanish GCSE book. Each question is answered with a colour coded multiple choice word bank that includes higher structures, different tenses, idioms and a variety of vocabulary. The perfect resource to boost their confidence when developing their productive skills and when preparing them for the General Conversation part of the Speaking GCSE.
Easy to adapt and modify to suit your classes and curriculum.
The questions included in this document are as follow:
¿Cómo es tu ciudad?
¿ Cómo era tu ciudad en el pasado?
¿Qué hay para turistas en tu ciudad?
¿Qué has hecho recientemente en tu zona/barrio?
¿Dónde te gustaría vivir en el futuro/si tuvieras la oportunidad?
¿Cómo sería tu casa ideal / de tus sueños?
¿Qué planes tienes para este fin de semana?
¿Te gusta ir de compras, entonces?
Describe una visita que has hecho recientemente a una ciudad en Gran Bretaña o en otro país.
An interactive presentation to drill the description of a photo in Spanish within the context of Christmas/celebrations. It includes 10 photos in total that cover a range of scenarios. All slides include sentence starters and vocabulary to cover PAL (people, action and location). There is a blank slide to add any photos/vocabulary needed to suit the level and needs of a particular class.
Una presentación interactiva para practicar la descripción de fotos en español dentro de la temática de la Navidad/celebraciones. Incluye 10 fotos en total que cubren un abanico de escenarios. Todas las diapositivas tienen frases y vocabulario para cubrir PAL (personas, acción y lugar). Hay una diapositiva sin foto/texto para poder añadir los que se adecuen al nivel/a las necesidades de la clase en particular.
A worksheet to learn about two successful female sportspeople in Spain: professional football player Salma Paralluelo and athlete Ana Peleteiro whilst learning/reinforcing vocabulary on the topics of free time/role models. Students will practise all four skills (listening, speaking (photocard description), reading and writing).
The perfect resource to celebrate Black History month within the topic of school.
All answers are included so that students can check their progress and selfmark their work.
Una ficha para aprender sobre dos deportistas españolas con una trayectoria fructífera: la jugadora de fútbol profesional Salma Paralluelo y la atleta Ana Peleteiro mientras que aprenden/repasan el vocabulario sobre los temas del tiempo libre/ los modelos a seguir. Los estudiantes practicarán las cuatro destrezas (comprensión oral y escrita y la expresión oral y escrita).
Incluye todas las respuestas para que los estudiantes puedan evaluar su progreso y autocorregir su trabajo.
A worsheet to introduce or review the execution of the Thirteen Roses (Las Trece Rosas). This episode was a turning point in Spanish history as it arose public demonstrations internationally. A Level students will develop their reading skills whilst securing their knowledge of Franco’s dictatorship and its key events. The reading is based on a newspaper’s article and consists of A Level reading tasks such as finding key words. It includes answers, which makes it also perfect for homework/ independent learning.
Scaffolded sentence building blocks designed to provide students with the necessary grammar and range of vocabulary to give detailed and complex answers in their speaking and writing GCSE Spanish exams. The questions match those of our Speaking Booklet (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-spanish-speaking-booklet-edexcel-and-aqa-roleplay-photo-card-general-conversation-practise-12069685) and are organised by modules 1-8, following the structure of the Viva! Edexcel Spanish GCSE book. Each question is answered with a colour coded multiple choice word bank that includes higher structures, different tenses, idioms and a variety of vocabulary. The perfect resource to boost their confidence when developing their productive skills and when preparing them for the General Conversation part of the Speaking GCSE.
Easy to adapt and modify to suit your classes and curriculum.
The questions included in this document are as follow:
¿Tienes un trabajo a tiempo parcial? ¿Qué haces?
¿Qué planes tienes para el futuro?
¿Qué opinas de ir a la universidad? ¿Por qué?
¿Has hecho algunas prácticas laborales?
¿Son importantes los idiomas extranjeros en el trabajo?
¿Cuál sería tu empleo ideal / de tus sueños?
¿Cuál es más importante: el éxito profesional o el bienestar personal?
¿Eres muy ambicioso/a? ¿Por qué (no)?
Scaffolded sentence building blocks designed to provide students with the necessary grammar and range of vocabulary to give detailed and complex answers in their speaking and writing GCSE Spanish exams. The questions match those of our Speaking Booklet (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-spanish-speaking-booklet-edexcel-and-aqa-roleplay-photo-card-general-conversation-practise-12069685) and are organised by modules 1-8, following the structure of the Viva! Edexcel Spanish GCSE book. Each question is answered with a colour coded multiple choice word bank that includes higher structures, different tenses, idioms and a variety of vocabulary. The perfect resource to boost their confidence when developing their productive skills and when preparing them for the General Conversation part of the Speaking GCSE.
Easy to adapt and modify to suit your classes and curriculum.
The questions included in this document are as follow:
¿Adónde vas de vacaciones normalmente?
¿Cómo sueles viajar?
¿Cuánto tiempo pasas allí?
¿Dónde te alojas normalmente?
¿Qué te gusta hacer durante las vacaciones, por ejemplo durante el día?
¿Adónde fuiste de vacaciones el año pasado?
¿Cómo viajaste?
¿Cuánto tiempo pasaste allí?
¿Qué tiempo hacía?
¿Qué hiciste durante las vacaciones?
¿Cómo era el hotel / el pueblo / la ciudad?
¿Qué planes tienes para este verano?
6. ¿Por qué veranea tanta gente en el extranjero?
7. ¿Es importante aprender sobre otros países y otras culturas?
School Sentence building blocksScaffolded sentence building blocks designed to provide students with the necessary grammar and range of vocabulary to give detailed and complex answers in their speaking and writing GCSE Spanish exams. The questions match those of our Speaking Booklet (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-spanish-speaking-booklet-edexcel-and-aqa-roleplay-photo-card-general-conversation-practise-12069685) and are organised by modules 1-8, following the structure of the Viva! Edexcel Spanish GCSE book. Each question is answered with a colour coded multiple choice word bank that includes higher structures, different tenses, idioms and a variety of vocabulary. The perfect resource to boost their confidence when developing their productive skills and when preparing them for the General Conversation part of the Speaking GCSE.
Easy to adapt and modify to suit your classes and curriculum.
The questions included in this document are as follow:
¿Cuáles son los problemas globales más serios hoy en día? What are the most serious global problems of today?
¿Cómo se pueden solucionar los problemas? How can you solve the problems?
¿Cómo puedes mejorar el medioambiente? How can you improve the environment?
¿Qué opinas de los grandes eventos deportivos o festivales de música? What do you think about big sporting or musical events?
En tu opinión, ¿son importantes las tradiciones y las fiestas? In your opinion, are traditions and festivals important?
Háblame de un festival o una fiesta a la que te gustaría asistir. Talk to me about a festival which you would like to attend.
Háblame de una fiesta aquí en Inglaterra que celebramos todos los años. Talk to me about a festival here in England that we celebrate every year.
School Sentence building blocksScaffolded sentence building blocks designed to provide students with the necessary grammar and range of vocabulary to give detailed and complex answers in their speaking and writing GCSE Spanish exams. The questions match those of our Speaking Booklet (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-spanish-speaking-booklet-edexcel-and-aqa-roleplay-photo-card-general-conversation-practise-12069685) and are organised by modules 1-8, following the structure of the Viva! Edexcel Spanish GCSE book. Each question is answered with a colour coded multiple choice word bank that includes higher structures, different tenses, idioms and a variety of vocabulary. The perfect resource to boost their confidence when developing their productive skills and when preparing them for the General Conversation part of the Speaking GCSE.
Easy to adapt and modify to suit your classes and curriculum.
The questions included in this document are as follow:
¿Cómo es tu instituto? ¿Qué instalaciones tiene? What is your school like? What facilities does it have?
¿Qué asignaturas te gustan y no te gustan? ¿Por qué? What subjects do you like and not like? Why?
Háblame de tu uniforme escolar. Talk to me about your school uniform.
¿Qué piensas de las otras normas de tu instituto? What do you think about the other rules in your school?
¿Cómo es un día típico en tu insti? What is a typical day like in your school?
¿Qué es lo bueno y lo malo de tu instituto? What’s good and bad about your school?
¿Qué hiciste ayer en tu instituto? What did you do yesterday in school?
¿Qué planes tienes para este trimestre? What plans do you have for this term?
¿Puedes describir un viaje escolar que hiciste en el pasado? Can you describe a school trip that you have done in the past?
Scaffolded sentence building blocks designed to provide students with the necessary grammar and range of vocabulary to give detailed and complex answers in their speaking and writing GCSE Spanish exams. The questions match those of our Speaking Booklet (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-spanish-speaking-booklet-edexcel-and-aqa-roleplay-photo-card-general-conversation-practise-12069685) and are organised by modules 1-8, following the structure of the Viva! Edexcel Spanish GCSE book. Each question is answered with a colour coded multiple choice word bank that includes higher structures, different tenses, idioms and a variety of vocabulary. The perfect resource to boost their confidence when developing their productive skills and when preparing them for the General Conversation part of the Speaking GCSE.
Easy to adapt and modify to suit your classes and curriculum.
The questions included in this document are as follow:
¿Qué te gusta comer? ¿Por qué?
¿Has probado algún tipo de comida española? ¿Te gusta?
Háblame de lo que hiciste recientemente en un día especial, con amigos o con familia.
¿Cómo quieres celebrar tu próximo cumpleaños?
Háblame de lo que hiciste durante las últimas vacaciones de Navidad.
En tu opinión, ¿son importante las tradiciones y las fiestas?
Háblame de una fiesta a la que te gustaría asistir.
Scaffolded sentence building blocks designed to provide students with the necessary grammar and range of vocabulary to give detailed and complex answers in their speaking and writing GCSE Spanish exams. The questions match those of our Speaking Booklet (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-spanish-speaking-booklet-edexcel-and-aqa-roleplay-photo-card-general-conversation-practise-12069685) and are organised by modules 1-8, following the structure of the Viva! Edexcel Spanish GCSE book. Each question is answered with a colour coded multiple choice word bank that includes higher structures, different tenses, idioms and a variety of vocabulary. The perfect resource to boost their confidence when developing their productive skills and when preparing them for the General Conversation part of the Speaking GCSE.
Easy to adapt and modify to suit your classes and curriculum.
The questions included in this document are as follow:
Describe a un buen amigo tuyo / una buena amiga tuya.
¿Te llevas bien con tu familia? ¿Por qué (no)?
Describe a una persona de tu familia.
¿Quiénes son más importantes, tus amigos o tus padres? ¿Por qué?
¿Cómo es un buen amigo / una buena amiga?
¿Qué planes tienes (con tus amigos) este fin de semana?
¿Qué aplicaciones usas para estar en contacto con tus amigos y con tu familia?
¿Estás enganchada a tu móvil?
¿Qué piensas de las redes sociales?
¿Qué te gusta leer? ¿Por qué?
Scaffolded sentence building blocks designed to provide students with the necessary grammar and range of vocabulary to give detailed and complex answers in their speaking and writing GCSE Spanish exams. The questions match those of our Speaking Booklet (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-spanish-speaking-booklet-edexcel-and-aqa-roleplay-photo-card-general-conversation-practise-12069685) and are organised by modules 1-8, following the structure of the Viva! Edexcel Spanish GCSE book. Each question is answered with a colour coded multiple choice word bank that includes higher structures, different tenses, idioms and a variety of vocabulary. The perfect resource to boost their confidence when developing their productive skills and when preparing them for the General Conversation part of the Speaking GCSE.
Easy to adapt and modify to suit your classes and curriculum.
The questions included in this document are as follow:
¿Qué sueles hacer en tus ratos libres?
¿Eres teleadicto/a?
¿Prefieres ver películas en casa o en el cine? ¿Por qué?
¿Te gusta la música/leer? ¿Por qué sí/no?
¿Tus padres te dan dinero? ¿Qué haces con la paga?
¿Qué planes tienes para este fin de semana?
¿Qué hiciste la semana pasada?
¿Eres muy deportista? ¿Por qué (no)?
¿Quién es tu modelo a seguir?
A double sided worksheet to create a debated around the current political climate and situation of the LGTBIQA+ community in Spain.
Based on a video from El Ministerio de Igualdad. It includes a range of tasks to practise audiovisual comprehension, translation and speaking. There are sentence starters for the speaking part and vocabulary banks for the translations, as well as a timeline with key dates for the LGTBIQA+ community in Spain. Answers included for translation and reading.
Lesson about the **Orgullo **festival in Spain. It is aimed at A Level Spanish to find out more about Spanish culture and festivals!🎉 Also suitable for high ability GCSE classes.
It includes a worksheet📝 + the PowerPoint with answers✅ and covers all skills.
Also, cultural references are made to the Franco’s regime and its represion towards homosexuals as well as to current views of Spaniards.
Cut-out worksheet aimed at primary and KS3 Spanish students to revise **vocabulary **on objects that can be taken on different types of holiday. Suitable also for nursery students with teacher guidance. Students need to cut them out and stick them on the right suitcase following the instructions given in Spanish. Great for cover work too. Download it so that your students are summer-ready!
A checklist to guide students during their preparation time for the role play and photocard tasks. It includes the key aspects necessary for students to succeed in this part of their speaking exam. Perfect to use during mock speaking exams and to practise in class. Suitable for all languages.
A worksheet to learn vocabulary about books and literary genres in Spanish whilst practising key structures in the present perfect. This resource hits all 4 GCSE skills: reading, speaking, listening and writing, including translation. The audio QR code and transcript are included as well as the answers for all tasks for students to complete independently.
A learning mat designed to boost French students’ accuracy when writing and speaking. It has been designed with KS3 learners in mind, although it can be used with any other Key stage or level. It includes vocabulary and grammar around the following sections:
Opinions phrases
Opinions in the past
Key verbs (past, present and future)
Adjectives (including some useful antonyms)
Key verbs followed by infinitives
Un organizador de conocimiento para que los estudiantes de francés produzcan textos escritos y orales más complejos. Está pensado para los alumnos más jóvenes y principiantes, pero también se puede usar con alumnos de niveles más avanzados. Incluye vocabulario y gramática en torno a estas secciones:
Frases de opinión
Opiniones en el pasado
Verbos clave (pasado, presente y futuro)
Adjectivos (incluye antónimos útiles)
Construcciones verbales seguidas de infinitivos
A lesson/project to help students develop and consolidate their knowledge on the topic of food and meals while they plan the opening of a new restaurant.
Students will need to use the internet to simulate an online grocery shopping in order to get all the necessary ingredients to make their chosen meals.
Once they’ve done the shopping, they need to calculate the total cost of the menu based on the cost of each dish.
A fun and interesting way to practise languages, presentation and numeracy skills.
The resource includes a vocab bank with the ingredients, useful words to search the online supermarkets and key phrases for the presentation.
Available both in Spanish and in English
Una clase/proyecto para que los/as estudiantes consoliden/amplíen sus conocimientos sobre el tema de los alimentos en español mientras planean la apertura de su propio restaurante. Los estudiantes tendrán que usar Internet para simular una compra en línea y conseguir los ingredientes necesarios para elaborar sus platos elegidos. Una vez hecha la compra, tendrán que calcular el precio total del menú basado en el coste de todos sus platos. Una forma amena de practicar el idioma, la exposición oral y el cálculo. El material incluye un banco de vocabulario sobre los ingredientes, con palabras útiles para navegar por las páginas webs y expresiones para la presentación oral.
Disponible tanto en español como en inglés
A learning mat to boost students’ confidence when discussing any topic in Spanish. The perfect resource to help them succeed in their Spanish A Level speaking exam, both during the discussion of their independent research project and the stimulus photocard. The range of structures includes phrases to show total or partial agreement and disagreement (including idioms), opinion phrases, structures followed by both the indicative and the subjunctive as well as structures to impress the listener by using circumlocutions, self-correction and repair strategies. There are two designs available that could also be used as display materials.
Organizador de ideas para que los estudiantes se sientan seguros a la hora de debatir sobre cualquier tema en español. El recurso perfecto para ayudarles a rebatir ideas y argumentar las suyas. El abanico de estructuras incluye frases para mostrar acuerdo y desacuerdo (total o parcial, incluyendo expresiones idiomáticas), frases de opinión, estructuras seguidas tanto del modo indicativo como del subjuntivo así como estrategias de reparación y circunloquios para impresionar al oyente. Hay dos diseños que pueden usarse también como pósteres.